Hiring Employees | Business Networks
How can I keep my team motivated while I build my company?
Submitted by Tech Admin on May 26, 2015 - 10:23amYou can keep an employee motivated to a time-frame without extra money or a negative approach... it may seem like a magical sweet spot, but its possible.When one of my clients asked me the question last year, I discovered that many business owners struggle with this, so here's a good approach. Consider weaving two ideas together: setting an upfront contract with them and being aware of what motivates employees.Up Front Contract: Negotiate what both the company and the employee need to get done prior to the start of the job. You and the employee have to win and get what you want. Have a “win-win” or “no-deal” agreement between you.Basically, jobs must come in on time; the company needs to make a profit and continue the services of the employees at the wages that the employee needs to receive. The employee must be part of that solution that the company has contracted for.This “win-win” or “no-deal”(link is external) must be agreed to prior to the start of either the company bidding work or the employee doing work for the company.What motivates an employee: Based on the premise that you are paying your employee competitive wages, employees are motivated by four ideas, before wages enter the picture.The employee feels appreciated in the company.The employee feels that they are in the know about what is going on within the company.You as their supervisor have an understanding attitude when the employee has to do something such as attend their child’s t-ball game or stay home with a sick child.They feel that their job is secure.
What have you found to be the best recruiting method to bring on new employees; where to find them and how to retain them?
Submitted by Tech Admin on May 20, 2015 - 3:24pmComing Soon!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas interdum tincidunt cursus. Sed vel odio faucibus, vulputate odio eu, laoreet elit. Vivamus egestas est dui, sodales lobortis nunc accumsan et. Integer posuere feugiat lectus quis euismod. Fusce pretium massa eu nibh viverra tristique. Donec cursus consectetur leo quis porta. Maecenas id dolor egestas, volutpat lectus sit amet, pretium nulla. Aliquam viverra vel enim non efficitur.Mauris magna nulla, elementum eget euismod at, maximus id ipsum. Mauris mattis, odio nec imperdiet pulvinar, leo mi ullamcorper metus, sit amet aliquam nunc enim id dolor. Integer tincidunt sollicitudin felis in sodales. Nam sed lacinia odio. Proin in ultrices tortor, at maximus justo. Suspendisse lacinia vel erat vitae sagittis. Duis ac sagittis elit. Donec laoreet metus vitae diam auctor, vel convallis ex eleifend. Praesent ac scelerisque arcu. Duis tincidunt diam non congue vehicula. Phasellus scelerisque mi auctor, porttitor enim at, interdum purus. Mauris porttitor nulla ut malesuada mattis.Integer interdum felis augue, vitae lobortis justo rhoncus id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed in enim sagittis, facilisis eros ut, aliquam dolor. Maecenas vulputate nulla massa, ut fermentum magna consectetur non. Mauris efficitur sed enim at ornare. Aenean sed viverra felis. Maecenas vel diam a nulla tempus dapibus. Sed a ex et tellus pulvinar mattis.