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No Plan, No Future

Few builders or remodelers would argue with the idea that a construction project requires plans. The plans tell both the contractor and the client which materials will be used and how much they will cost, what rooms the building will contain, and how the finished product will look.
How to Improve On-the-Job Communication

Have you ever wondered why people get upset with you on a job that you are doing for them? Do you wonder if they think that their job is the only one you have to do? Do you wonder if they really care what you are doing to advance their job completion when you are not on their jobsite? Do you think that they would feel differently if they knew what was going on with their job?
Well, let’s change the situation and see if you might be able to relate to them as to how they’re feeling when you are the one that is in their shoes and getting frustrated.
Marketing and Business Development: Who Knows What’s Going On?

Most people would answer the question posed in the title by saying, “Whoever’s doing the business development in the company.”
Is Poor Communication Costing Your Company?

Poor communication cost my average client nearly $236,000 in 2013, thanks to a common discussion between an estimator and a project manager:
Estimator: “How could you possibly have lost money on the job that I won the bid for the company?”
Project manager: “It was easy.”
Overhead & Profit: What are Yours?

Here’s to suggesting that you bid and complete profitable work and leave the rest of the jobs being offered on the bidding table for others to do
The Florida Supreme Court just ruled this past July in the case of Trinidad v. Florida Peninsula Insurance Company, that “...
What is the Right Mix of Business?

What percent of business can you afford to lose? The typical answer is that you cannot afford to lose any of your volume without a major shock to both you and your business. Let me relate three incidences of what happened to three of my clients and how they responded to a loss of volume as a result of “being removed from a program”:
Five Questions to Ask Yourself on Jobsite Management

I would like to suggest that you consider asking the following five questions of all of your current and future jobs. Your answers to these five questions are critical to all of your present and future clients’ satisfaction, business profitability and future business efforts.
The Importance of GPS for Your Company Operations

Trust is critical in your business - you must have trust within your company in order to be successful. It takes a long time to build up trust and it takes a New York second to lose it! I know you want to trust that all members of your company are all doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. But still, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to spot check that they were living up to the agreement? You, more than any other entity, are much more trusting of your people. You interviewed them, you hired them and you work with them every day.
With Change Constant, Where Do You Go for Information?

You know that things are constantly changing in your business. You know that the speed of change in your business is increasing. But what most of us do not know is where to go to get accurate and timely business information.
Here is a list of possible places to go to seek information:
Is it Time to Change in 2014? Three Ways to Improve Net Profit

Let’s talk about three ideas that can improve your 2014 net profit. They’re all doable and they can save you and your company some significant dollars.
Insurance Premiums
The first idea is to address the issue of the yearly increase for the insurance premium that has been coming and increasing every year. There are three groups that are involved in the yearly premium increase - the company owner, the insurance agent and the employee group.